Avoiding poor trail cam photos
A common mistake made by many hunters?
Home » Trail cameras
A common mistake made by many hunters?
A total ban on the use of trail cameras here in the East is almost incomprehensible but their use in Arizona is a whole other story.
Hint: Hang your cameras where you suspect high gobbler traffic, like field corners and logging roads
Of all the gear and gadgets I own, none give me as much satisfaction and pleasure as my trail cameras. By strategically placing them in appropriate locations I’ve gotten pictures of fishers, turkeys, bears, racoons,
As black bear populations increase, so does their sometimes-annoying habit of playing with – or sometimes completely busting up – your expensive trail cam. Take these steps to keep your equipment functional in bear country.
Blogger preparing for the 2019 Wisconsin black bear season.
Employing a simply trail-cam strategy can improve planning for your first spring gobbler hunt.
PAYSON, Ariz. — In a 5-0 vote, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission agreed to retain the provision that prohibits use of live-action trail cameras for the purpose of taking or aiding in the take
Commission delayed action on a controversial measure that would implement a one-quarter-mile trail camera setback at most manmade water sources for hunters.
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