Find ‘warm’ water for Lake Superior spring fish
What you’re looking for is water that’s even just a bit warmer than anything else you have found.
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What you’re looking for is water that’s even just a bit warmer than anything else you have found.
Fishing for silver fish had been fairly good on Lake Michigan, with many lakers for those who were targeting them.
Lots of good fishing action taking place all across the state. Warm weather has finally settled in and we’re getting into summer patterns.
Warm weather is reportedly on the way, which should help turn on the bite after a cold spell has slowed things down considerably. Here’s what’s happening on fisheries across the state.
Recent winds stirred up Lake Michigan and curtailed effort. For those that got out, there was good coho action around Portage from the mouth of Burns Ditch to the Port.
Ice conditions getting more sketchy by the minute. Steelhead action is strong. In Erie, walleyes are the story, with action expected to pick up even more here shortly.
Largemouth bass action picking up as spring nears.
Great Lake tributaries are seeing increased fishing effort as some fish species like steelhead migrate upstream to spawn. Inland waters are starting to warm in the southern portion of the state as anglers start getting
On Lake Michigan, recent winds stirred up the lake and likely disrupted existing patterns. Mixed bag of coho, a few browns and lake trout have been caught.
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