Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


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Quail, pheasants should benefit from CRP grazing

The USDA’s decision to open more than half of Illinois’ CRP acres for emergency haying and grazing may not be as awful for the state’s quail and pheasant populations as one might think

Quinn signs crossbow law

The much-anticipated crossbow law is finally a real-life law. Gov. Pat Quinn has signed House Bill 4819, meaning crossbows will be legal for hunting deer in Illinois this season between Dec. 3 and Jan. 20.

From tip to tip, state ready for some hunting

About once each month I take a drive that practically covers Illinois from head to toe — from Carbondale all the way up to Chicago, and then back. I handle business, see friends and keep

A quack fact: Duck count at record levels

In a state where good news has been nearly as scarce as rain this summer, the “duck factory” up north has provided Illinois waterfowl hunters with a surprise shower of hope.

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