Aug. 18 2008-09 Sporting Licenses on Sale
Aug. 18 2008-09 Sporting Licenses on Sale Read More »
Washington (AP) – The Senate voted last Friday to ratify a compact to prevent the diversion of water from the Great Lakes, quickly approving legislation sought by the region’s governors worried that thirsty places would covet one of the world’s largest sources of fresh water. The Senate passed the measure without objection, and it now
Great Lakes Compact gets Senate OK; House up next Read More »
Springfield – If all goes as planned, many of the state’s Canada goose hunters will enjoy higher bag limits during the two-week September season. In recent years, hunters were allowed to take only two geese per day during the early season, except in the northeast zone, where a five-goose limit existed. But DNR’s recommendation to
Goose hunters stoked for September season Read More »
Tucked away in a hardwood forest along the Snake River is a comfortable cabin. It is a traditional structure, where the screen door creaks when you open it and nothing inside smacks of pretense. There are electric lights (with low-energy fluorescents), but you dip water from a pail on the counter. On the mantle are
Tom Waters: A river runs through him Read More »
Albany – Fishing license sales in New York declined by about 8 percent this year despite an effort by DEC to recruit new as well as “lapsed” anglers who previously bought licenses. Sales of fishing licenses stood at 928,261 as of late July, and it’s unlikely that number will grow, DEC officials said. That number
Fishing licenses down big Read More »
Weather, as usual, has had a lot to do with the fishability of the lakes, with some high winds and cool nights that slowed some of the bites. Largemouth bass action has been very good on fish up to 19 inches in the weeds early in the day; work outside edges as the sun gets
Minocqua/Woodruff Area Read More »
Fish 307 in Lake George reports that fishing has slowed down some. Bass are down near 20 to 40 feet and lake trout are down near 110 feet. A few pike are being caught. Walleye continue to be active in the Hudson River in the Glens Falls area. Walleye are near the bottom in 30
Chain: Bluegills have been good in and around shallow shoreline piers or laydowns. Catfish are excellent on night crawlers or leeches. Walleye remain good around bridge areas. Crappies are fair in 10-12 feet, with Marie best. White bass are good in Spring with the current. Muskie fishing is decent on topwaters mornings or evening, or
Catfish and smallmouths are hitting on the Chippewa, Eau Claire, and Red Cedar rivers. Some guys also are catching some crappies on the rivers. A 50-plus-inch muskie was caught from Lake Eau Claire. Buroker’s, (715) 835-0847.
Chippewa Falls Area Read More »