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Minnesota DNR says avian flu is the likely killer of waterfowl in the state
Minnesota DNR officials say evidence is pointing to avian influenza as the cause of death of several Canada geese and some swans reported dead on the ice – typically next to open-water locations – of

Lauren Dean: Here’s how I became an Illinois hunter
Lauren Dean is the newest addition to DNR and the Illinois Natural History Survey’s Learn to Hunt team. She grew up in Maryland before moving to New Orleans, where she got a BA in Anthropology

Minnesota reader stories: The ‘perfect double’ makes for a goose hunt to remember
It had been three weeks since the start of Minnesota’s regular duck-season opener, and it was another day of blue skies, no wind, and nearly 80 degrees. Not exactly ducky weather.
We were at

New York Reader Stories: Too cold for geese to fly? Time to deer hunt
It was so cold, the geese would not fly.
My hunting partner, Steve, and I had been in our ground blinds since first light, waiting for the resident Canada geese to leave the pond

‘Wild places are worth fighting for’: Concern grows for receding South Dakota wetlands
John Cooper, 80 years old and with a new set of knees, still rises before the sun, dons waders, sets up decoys and tries to call in ducks.
“I love waterfowl hunting,” he whispered,

Gretchen Steele: Don’t be fooled by myths and misinformation from ‘armchair wildlife experts’
It’s that time of year when Illinois DNR releases a wealth of crucial data and numbers.
From harvest figures to wildlife surveys and grant awards, these numbers hold significant value. The abundance of data

Minnesota DNR says no changes to current goose management
After Canada goose populations in Minnesota peaked at the turn of the century, the Minnesota DNR shifted management to reduce the population across the state. Following that change in management approach, the Canada goose population

‘Hundreds’ of geese found dead or dying on Fairmont chain of lakes in southern Minnesota
Justin Sommer began to get the reports – and questions – early this week, shortly after a massive migration of geese arrived in the Fairmont area of southern Minnesota, where his shop, Sommer Outdoors, is

Pair of events bring nearly two dozen women afield in Central, Western N.Y.
It is no secret that hunting is witnessing a significant shift in demographics. For the past few years, studies have indicated an uptick in women’s participation in hunting, even as overall participation in hunting trends