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Wisconsin’s in-person deer registration: What we learned and what we’re missing
We’re probably past the point where in-person deer registration would return to Wisconsin. People have adapted to and accepted electronic deer registration, and the convenience(s) it can provide.
Hunters must, however, be aware of

New report offers detailed peek inside Minnesota’s 2022 deer kill
Currently, about 28% of the deer kill in Minnesota occurs in the northwest, and 38% is in the central part of the state, which includes much of the southeast. About 19% of deer taken come

Illinois DNR issued 371 deer-related citations in 2022
Illinois CPOs issued more than 1,600 hunting law violations in both 2021 and 2022, with regulations relating to deer hunting among the most commonly cited, according to a report by the Belleville News-Democrat.

Burnett County trespass case in Wisconsin still pending with district attorney
An apparently intentional Burnett County trespassing incident that took place during the 2022 deer season was upsetting for absentee landowner Ed Batton, of Madison, but the lack of response from Burnett County officials regarding his

Now is the time to think about antler shed hunting
In contrast, some bucks will hold their antlers into late March. This doesn’t mean that every other buck in the area is going to follow suit.

Frost-seeding clover food plots in spring can lead to fall whitetail success
The idea behind frost seeding is to use the earth “breathing” to our advantage. When we get to the part of spring when daytime highs are above freezing and nighttime lows dip below freezing, the

Deer harvest shifts upward in Illinois
Illinois bowhunters fell just short of the coveted 70,000 mark this season, but it appears they have managed to rebound from a slight hiccup in arrowing deer last year.
Numbers tell the story.

Hunting-related shooting incidents remain low in New York, but treestand falls a concern
The number of hunting-related shooting incidents from the 2022-23 big-game seasons in New York tied 2021 for the safest-ever year, but there were an alarming number of fatal treestand falls in 2022.

Spring scout for whitetails and reap the benefits in the fall
It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about does or bucks, the majority of the deer I put a bow tag on stem in some way from scouting. Ahead of spring green-up, the forest floor is