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Michigan gains detailed data from mandatory online deer reporting
Last year hunters killed about 400,000 deer. If the 2022 season was similar, that means roughly 75% of the deer killed were registered.
Young hunter’s Ohio 6-point may be world record-breaker
It wasn’t the buck David Yoder was chasing last fall, but the 6-point buck he ended up shooting might just make the record books.
Yoder’s long-tined 3×3 was officially scored by Buckmasters at 145
Hunters in Pennsylvania CWD areas could have more options among processors, taxidermists
During the Jan. 28 quarterly meeting, the Pennsylvania Game Commission board granted preliminary approval for a measure that would allow hunters to take harvested deer out of a disease management area or CWD established area
Pa. Game Commission backs regs for urine-based deer attractants
No talk of banning them at recent meeting of agency.
Mentored deer hunt in Wisconsin resumes after two-year absence
“The Joe,” a mentored learn-to-hunt deer outing sponsored by Kids And Mentors Outdoors (KAMO), resumed Dec. 9-11, 2022, after a two-year absence due to COVID-19 concerns.
Replacing daughter’s deer stand brings back fond memories
I built my daughter Deanne’s deer stand in 1994, the year she turned 13. It finally gave up the ghost this past fall, after 28 years of hard use.
Camp records show she’s shot
Pennsylvania deer harvest ranks high nationally once again
The National Deer Association recently issued its Deer Report 2023, and Pennsylvania ranked high in a number of important categories. It was based on 2021 deer harvest reports.
In the report, Pennsylvania ranked fourth
Michigan man who cut straps on fellow hunter’s treestand pleads guilty in harassment case
Thomas Steele III, 23, of Chelsea, is serving a 60-day sentence in the Marquette County Jail after pleading guilty to intentionally sabotaging a hunter’s treestand.
Case includes ongoing harassment of a hunter on public
Report finds huge majority of deer are taken on private land in Ohio, many states
“Most of America’s 600 million acres of public land are in the West, yet proportionally few hunters are residents of those states,” said NDA Chief Conservation Officer Kip Adams, one of the report’s authors. “Most